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How to wear combat boots over 40

One '90s trend is back in a big way - combat boots! You may remember wearing combat-style boots when you were younger and wondering if you can wear them again now you’re over 40? The answer is YES. Just be sure to style them in a modern way that’s in tune with the times and your age.


Wearing combat boots in the 2020s is all about balance. Combat boots look hip on mature women when they are part of a co-ordinated look that plays on the contrast of tough vs feminine. For example, pairing combat boots with a feminine silky blouse and leopard print scarf can transform an otherwise classic outfit into a cool, edgy, on-trend look. In case you’re a little sceptical, take a look at these five ways to wear combat boots at any age. We challenge you to tell us they’re not worth a go!

1. Jeans with jackets and coats

Straight leg and skinny jeans are a natural with combat boots. To avoid chunky combats making your feet look huge, balance the look by wearing something long and loose up top, like an oversized sweater, tunic or loose flowy blouse. Skinny jeans can be tucked into combat boots or worn long over them, but leave cuffed jeans to the younger ones. Throw on a long coat or warm jacket and you’ve got the perfect winter weekend look. Burgundy or tan combat boots add a cool factor to this classic combo.


2. Cropped pants with soft knits

Instead of reaching for jeans and a t-shirt with your boots, try cropped trousers and a knit top. It's just as easy to put together but looks far more elevated. The feminine touch of a pretty pink knit can transform what could be a punk or grunge look into a sophisticated outfit with a cool edge. It’s the contrast between the feminine and the masculine that makes it work. Cropped leather or patterned pants would show off chunky pull-on or lace-up boots perfectly!

3. Feminine dresses with leather jackets

Another cool way to balance the macho feel of combat boots is to wear a feminine dress with them. Pick something that is soft and flowy with movement - short or long - and add a leather jacket for a dash of subculture style. Florals are great to create a contrast but you really can't go wrong with any pretty dress and tough boots for an up-to-date look. Pair your pretty dress with lace-up combat boots for a match made in heaven!

4. Trouser suits and blazers

Combat boots can fit into traditionally elegant wardrobes — just take a look at how fashion stylist Michelle Amo (below left) wears them to give her trouser suit attitude!  If you're going into the office, pull your favourite suit out and give it an edgy touch with a classy snakeskin combat boot.  Want instant sophistication? Try a tailored blazer plus a pair of rebellious combat boots and polish off the look with a classic Saben Tilly bag

5. The sweater dress

If you’re a minimalist at heart, you can wear combat boots in a way that suits your aesthetic but still has plenty of 2021 style power. A simple sweater dress with combat boots balances comfort and cool while still being age appropriate. Keep it minimal with an all-black pull-on combat boot or a sleek knee-high boot. Throw on a cardigan or leather jacket if you need an extra layer, add a Saben bag and you have the perfect combo for a shopping trip with friends!

Why you need at least one pair of combat boots over 40

The combat boot style is a design classic that keeps returning decade after decade. Having at least one pair in your wardrobe can be very useful to modernise, rejuvenate and add an edgy note to feminine, classic or minimalist outfits. A pair of combat boots, in short, is a fabulous way to rotate all your wardrobe workhorses – from skinny jeans to midi or maxi dresses, suits and blazers.

At Booty Shoes, we believe you don’t have to give up any style in your 40s, 50s or beyond. What's important is how you put your style together.  We have both ‘more’ and ‘less’ chunky boot styles channelling the 2021 combat vibe in-store now. Check out our must-have boots online or come in to Booty and try them on. Wear (or bring) one of the above outfits and let’s see what works for you!

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